Ceiling Fan Direction for Winter

Ceiling Fan Direction for Winter
Here are a few tips to help you make sure you have your celling fan moving in the right direction for the cold winter months so you can stay warmer!

Ceiling Fan Winter Direction to the right
Ceiling Fan Winter Directions

If you take a look straight up at your ceiling fan it should be turning (clockwise) for the winter. Which means the fan should be turning to your right.
Standing under the fan the blades should go right and you should not feel a breeze from the ceiling fan blowing down on you.
This is because heat rises and the fan blowing up against the ceiling can help push the heat back down in the room.

Find the switch to change direction of your fan Try here.

Ceiling Fan Summer Direction

If you are like me and always second guessing which way the ceiling fan should be turning in summer or winter I hope this will help you!

Ceiling Fan Direction for Summer

Here are a few tips to help you make sure you have your celling fan moving in the right direction for the hot summer months so you can stay cooler!

Ceiling Fan Summer Direction to the left
Ceiling Fan Summer Direction

If you take a look straight up at your ceiling fan it should be turning (counter clockwise) which means the fan should be turning to your left.
Standing under the fan the blades should go left and you should feel the breeze of the ceiling fan blowing down on you.

Can't find the switch to change the direction of you ceiling fan look here!

Which way should your Ceiling Fan Direction be for Winter

Can A Ceiling Fan Catch On Fire?

Fire related ceiling fan

Have you ever heard of a Ceiling Fan catching on fire?
I want to tell you a true story about what happened with one of our ceiling fans.

One evening in our old house the hubby and I was sitting under one of our ceiling fans and started to smell something burning.

We was like, Oh no! What is that smell!

The hubby is very much of a handy man so he new right away that

Ceiling Fans Save Money

Ceiling Fans May Help You Save Money on Your Energy Cost

Did you know that in the summer if you are using your ceiling fan you can turn the temperature down about 2 degrees and still be comfortable.
It's pretty amazing the difference a couple of degrees can make on your electric bill.

 Ceiling Fan and Thermostat in the summer 

So for example the recommended home temperature for summer is 78 the if you set your ceiling fans on high you could turn your thermostat to 80 degrees


Ceiling Fan and Thermostat in the winter

The recommended home temperature in the winter is 68 so you could turn you thermostat down to 66 and still be comfortable.

Tip: Don't forget to switch your ceiling fan direction each season.
Here is the ceiling fan switch diagram to help you locate it.